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Meeting with oneself: a journey towards quality of life.

In a context where improving quality of life is crucial, the book offers a reflection based on personal and shared experiences to guide us in meeting our true selves. Developing and fostering our values, abilities, and self-confidence is essential to grounding ourselves in the present and understanding that we are here to be successful and happy.

The book highlights the importance of recognizing our skills, respecting ourselves, and maintaining high self-esteem. In relationships with others, it emphasizes awareness of social norms and values, respect for human dignity, and acceptance of individual differences, promoting meaningful cooperation.

It also underscores the enhancement of our perception of life through strong communication, recognition of the present, and understanding the mission each person has. With extraordinary faculties, it emphasizes that we are capable of achieving everything we set out to do.

The final message is clear: we are the intensity with which we act, the strength with which we share, and the love we give. Create magical moments, surround yourself with wonderful people, and cherish each day. Live in an atmosphere of love and turn your dreams into reality.

Fatima Pérez: A Life Dedicated to Education and Literature.

Ecuadorian writer and poet, she is a prominent figure in the literary and educational fields, with an impact extending beyond Ecuador's borders. Her career as an educator, complemented by her passion for literature, has established her as a key influence both nationally and internationally.

With a degree in Psychology and a doctorate in Pedagogy, Fatima Pérez has dedicated 42 years to teaching at all educational levels, from basic education to university. Her current role as Academic Coordinator at the Instituto Superior Particular Iberoamericano highlights her commitment to academic training. Additionally, Pérez serves as a speaker and pedagogical advisor and has been a fellow of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). Her work includes innovative projects such as "Enhancing Social Skills through Emotional Intelligence" and "Self-Learning Skills," reflecting her focus on the holistic development of students.

In the literary realm, Fatima Pérez has made significant contributions with her works. Among her publications are "Human Values as the Essence of Being," "General Didactics Manual," "Seeking Personal Growth through Thought and Reflection," "Towards a Scientific Culture," and the acclaimed "Life Skills." Her most recent works, the poetry collection "Feelings of the Soul 2," and the book "Personal Fulfillment," continue to enrich the literary landscape with profound and contemporary themes.

Fatima Pérez's achievements have been recognized with numerous awards and distinctions. In 2023, she received an Academic Doctorate from the Official International College of Doctors in Santo Domingo and was certified as an Ontological Coach by the Creerlo Lima School. She was also honored as a Peace Ambassador by the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) in Lima and received the Honorary Title “Social Leader of Excellence” and the “Human&Social Excellence” recognition from Indiana University.

Currently, Pérez is a member of the International Federation of Writers, Poets, and Artists for World Peace (FIDEPA) and is nominated for the Honorary Doctorate Title at the XXVII Ibero-American Education Summit 2024 in Bolivia. She is also part of the Board of Directors of Red Global Creativa, where she continues to promote literature and global peace.

Fatima Pérez remains an inspiring figure, demonstrating how education and literature can combine to create a significant impact. Her legacy in promoting culture, peace, and personal development continues to influence generations of readers and educators around the world.

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